Participants in this film each offer insights and observations based on experience which we believe will encourage viewers to take action.
He is a clinical child psychologist and director of ABLE Developmental Clinic. He lives and practices in the Vancouver area. During the last two decades, his practice has dealt with increasing numbers of children who have autism.
Dr. Glen Davies
He is a pediatrician of 40 years experience and lives and practices in the Vancouver area. During the last two decades, his practice has dealt with increasing numbers of children who have autism.
Dr. Melvin de Levie
He is a Vancouver-based Broadcast Journalist and long-standing host of the popular, “Bill Good Show”, a talk radio program.
Bill Good
They are the parents of two children, one of whom has autism. They live in the greater Toronto area and Barry is a director of Medicare for Autism Now!
Barry and Jessica Hudson
Is a parent of two children, the youngest has autism and lives with her family in the Vancouver area. She is the co-founder of Medicare for Autism Now! and is the co-director/producer of Medicare’s Orphans.
Jane Lewis
Laurie is a director of the Autism Society of BC. She lives with her family, including Wesley Romey in the Vancouver area. Wesley has lost the diagnosis of autism due to ABA therapy.
Laurie Guerra and Wesley Romey
She is Simon’s older sister. She lives in the greater Toronto area and provides a sibling’s perspective on living with untreated autism.
Stefan and Bernadette Marinoiu:
She is an American Behaviour Consultant and lawyer, who has designed and supervised ABA programs for dozens of Canadian children with autism.
Shelley Davis
Is a parent of two children, the youngest with autism. He lives with his family in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He is a lawyer and is the author of the blog: Facing Autism in New Brunswick.
Harold Doherty
He is a philosopher, an Anglican theologian, the Principal Emeritus of Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, an author and former Member of Parliament.
Rev. Dr. Reginald Stackhouse
He is a recovering lawyer and long-time political activist who lives in the Vancouver area. He is the co-founder of Medicare for Autism Now! and is the co-director/producer of Medicare’s Orphans.
David Marley